Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MFA Bound

I have taken the plunge. After a 13 year long pursuit of a BA, I have thrown in with the Academy of Art for an MFA in Animation-3D Modeling.

If you know me and thought I didn't have much time on my hands before, I still don't.

Neat website: The best of Craigslist

No, I'm not kidding. It seems, if you have a grudge against another human being, Craigslist is the place to vent your fury.

Note of interest:
The Five College Student Film Festival will be held on Friday,
February 29th at 7pm in Stoddard
Hall Auditorium at Smith College.

In other news, my professional life changed drastically when
my company outfitted me with a
3D Boxx 8400 Special Edition.
(16 cores running like antelopes and as much RAM as a
64bit machine can eat) Anyone need anything rendered ; )


Down 3 Blocks said...

nice work on the blog, looks great. we should talk about your new ventures into the world of MFA...


Jake Blais said...

Hey thanks for checking in. I have just done an update I am trying to use this more frequently, but you know how it is.